Class Scientific Calculator (Class S Calc) is a free and reliable scientific calculator with no ads. enjoy using the application with no limits. Class S Calc has 2 Modes ( Scientific Mode & Simple Mode). Ads-free.
- Unit Converter.
- Calculations History.
- Sharing calculations.
- Engineering Notation
- New Design concept.
- Multiple themes.
the best scientific calculator for students.
Kelas Scientific Calculator (kelas S Calc) adalah kalkulator ilmiah gratis dan dapat diandalkan tanpa iklan. menikmati menggunakan aplikasi tanpa batas. Kelas S Calc memiliki 2 Mode (Modus Scientific & mode Simple). Iklan-bebas.
- Unit Converter.
- Perhitungan Sejarah.
- perhitungan Sharing.
- Teknik Notasi
- Desain Baru konsep.
- Beberapa tema.
yang terbaik kalkulator ilmiah bagi mahasiswa.